The chapter’s purposes are to “promote and encourage a greater interest in golf and related social activities, while enjoying the company of each other; maintaining the high standards and ethics of the game; provide service to their communities; serve as a role model for young people and to provide a JUNIOR GOLF program”.
The Pro-Duffer Southwest Chapter is an outgrowth of Pro-Duffers Golf Club of Washington D.C. Foster Kidd, DDS was visiting Washington for a dental conference and he accepted the hospitality of friend and dental colleague Joe D. Saunders which included a golf outing. The outing was with other attendees but the serious golf and match was
The Pro-Duffer Southwest Chapter is an outgrowth of Pro-Duffers Golf Club of Washington D.C. Foster Kidd, DDS was visiting Washington for a dental conference and he accepted the hospitality of friend and dental colleague Joe D. Saunders which included a golf outing. The outing was with other attendees but the serious golf and match was against longtime rival Del Val. The Del Val golfers were also medical and dental professionals transplanted from Howard living in the Philadelphia/New Jersey area. Dr. Kidd was so impressed by the comradery and fellowship he asked if he could start a Pro-Duffers Golf Club in his home city of Dallas. The Washington D.C. Club, led an agreement to name the Dallas group, Pro-Duffers Southwest. The formal invitation was mailed to Foster Kidd, DDS on July 1, 1983, invited to experience the beginning of the Pro-Duffers Southwest Chapter were Mr. Howard Aldridge, Mr. Jon Collins, Dr. Emmett Conrad, Mr. Dan Evans, and Dr. Herman Robinson. The Pro-Duffers Southwest Chapter formed July 9, 1983 becoming the second chapter under the name Pro-Duffers Golf Club. It was not until a few years later when the number of chapters reached four. The first gathering of the chapters was held in Las Vegas. The four chapters elected to become Pro-Duffers USA or “The National” as it was to be called. The first presiding officers of Pro-Duffers Chapter were: Dr. Foster Kidd-President, Dr. Emmett Conrad-Parliamentarian, Dr. Herman Robinson-Vice President, Mr. Jon Collins, Mr. Howard Aldridge Treasurer, Mr. Dan Evans-Secretary and Dr. David Boger-Tournament Director. Their initial annual dues were $ 100.00. By the time the chapter was completely initiated it had in excess of 27 active members.
In August of 2023 the Pro-Duffer Southwest Chapter will celebrate its 40th year anniversary. We are committed to enjoying fellowship through the game of golf, service to the community and ensuring that minority and disadvantaged youth are given the opportunity to enjoy the game of golf.
The Southwest Chapter – Dallas/Fort Worth created and funded a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, ” The North Texas Junior Golf and Education Foundation”, which is currently doing business as The First Tee of Greater Dallas. The Chapter in its effort to continue to fulfill its mission in the community created and funded a second non-profi
The Southwest Chapter – Dallas/Fort Worth created and funded a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, ” The North Texas Junior Golf and Education Foundation”, which is currently doing business as The First Tee of Greater Dallas. The Chapter in its effort to continue to fulfill its mission in the community created and funded a second non-profit organization “The Foster Kidd Foundation”. The Foundation is appropriately named after the founder of the Southwest Chapter -Dallas/Fort Worth.
Both Foundations (The North Texas Junior Golf and The Foster Kidd) have provided golfing and character development activities for children in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth community.
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2024 Pro Duffer Tournament Schedule - Updated 3-14-2024 (pdf)
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